Monday, September 24, 2012

Free Falling

Free Falling


 I chose this video because it's awesome. The man set many records, most of which have remained unbroken. This is the highest, and longest, free fall ever. In the video, you can see how high in the atmosphere Joe Kittinger is. This video is better than others because most are from planes or cliffs, but in this, Joe jumps from a balloon. He looks as if he jumped from space. It is also interesting that the fall back to Earth doesn't physically affect him (burning up) and the video did a good job at explaining why. If I were to make a video, I would film myself sky diving because I've always wanted to do that and I could truly experience free falling. I could then give a firsthand account.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Spaghetti Tower

Money Report:
  • 25 cm of tape: $250
  • 18 spaghetti sticks: $180
  • 4 marshmallows: $40 
Total: $470

Our tower was 86 cm.

One thing I liked about our tower was the strong, supportive base. I did not like the flimsy top because it caused our tower to tilt. The biggest challenge we faced was the tower tilting. We overcame this by purchasing more tape and adding more sticks for support. If I could change it, I would make a stronger top.

I felt pretty good about this assignment because we were successful. At one point we wanted to give up when it was falling at 65 cm, but we added more support and built it to 86 cm. Our design is very similar to the other successful towers in the class. If I could add another material it would be a hot glue gun.

Tyler was the architect and I was the accountant. We helped each other with our jobs and we both built the spaghetti tower.